2015 Beholding the Glory of Christ
Guest Speaker: Dr. Bruce Ware
Dr. Bruce Ware is a regular conference speaker, author, and teaches theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife Jodi have been married for 35 years, and they have two grown daughters and three grandchildren.
He enjoys walking, hiking places that display God's beauty and handiwork, and grilling out in the back yard for his family. He has ministered in some very interesting places, once requiring visiting a witch doctor for immediate medical help.
Dr. Ware has authored a number of books, including, The Man Christ Jesus, Father, Son, & Holy Spirit, Big Truths for Young Hearts, God's Greater Glory, and God's Lesser Glory.
Conference Pictures

As we observe the role of Jesus within the Trinity we will see that equality and distinction, then, mark the relations among the Trinity. And in a similar manner, equality and distinction mark human beings and human relations patterned after the God in whose image we are made.
What does it look like for men to follow the servanthood example of Jesus? He willingly laid aside his divine prerogatives to assume, and experience, full humanity. He was fully God and fully man--a reality we are called in some respects to emulate as we accept the task of servanthood for the sake of others.
What a shocking contrast between the first and second comings of Christ! Mercy gives way to judgment, compassion to anger, forbearance to wrath and condemnation. We can’t possibly understand the fullness of the Son until we see him in the glory and terror of his coming as Judge and King. O how we need to grasp the reality of the upcoming day of reckoning. And O how this should show us how we ought to live our lives in this season of grace and mercy.